Republicans are teaming up to criticize Pres. Obama for "failing to lay out a clear plan" on Libya and maybe spending too much money, and time during America's money deficit. Of course they support Iraq.
Hey Republicans, in case you didn't notice: Bush was the one who got us here in the first place.
Beyond that, let's get back to what's really important. Will the Libyan Rebels see victory? I sure hope they do. Too many have died, and are getting up, through exhaustion, picking up their weapons, and continuing a battle I hope soon to be called revolution.
Last night, there were explosions following the sounds of fighter jets above Tripoli. Libyan authorities said a building in Gaddafi's compound was hit. Hopefully he's getting the message. He challenged us with a long drawn out war, but his military is no real match.
When the French bombed Gaddafi's shit, with the US and Great Britain following, the rebels are ready to keep fighting. After such an owning moment, the rebels are not ready to give up. Residents feel a small wave of safety, and morale is improving.
In other news, Utah has rejected another Arizona-look-a-like law! What the fuck? Times are a changin'. Republicans are hating on brute force and Utah isn't as messed up as we thought. Who knew?
Also, In LGBT news, we have good news. According to the Center for American Progress, 63% of white Catholics now support marriage equality, up from just 40% seven years ago. White Protestants are at 57%. Things are changing. And how many people said that nothing would.
It's not just about the revolution guys, it's about the hope, and the belief that you can make it happen. We need to make it all happen. Building a big community of public support is the only way things happen. WE ARE THE MAJORITY.
May the revolution stay alive.